Wednesday 23 February 2011

Barefoot Running

I've just come across this great video.

It shows the basics of barefoot running without too much detail, but a few pointers of how you can get started making the transition.

Give a few of the drills a try and see how you get on.

If you can master these basics, you should begin to find your running more efficient, less effort, smoother, and you'll get less injuries.

But do as he says - ease yourself into it! The muscles in your feet are likely weak and won't be used to working so hard, so build them up slowly.

(As a side note - I personally prefer the Vibram FiveFingers shoes, but the Terra Plana are also great)


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this video! It has changed my running forever. I wanted to start barefoot running this year but never made the transition. This video has really helped, particularly the drills.
