Thursday 31 May 2012

Summer Shape Up

As summer is almost here and holidays are just around the corner I thought I’d share a few tips to help those of you who want to shed those last few pounds before the bikini season.

So keeping it short and sweet…

Number 1: Cut out all unnecessary/simple carbs (bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits, cereals). Grains = flabby gains!
Your carbs should come mainly from vegetables, and fruits (ideally low Glycemic Index fruits like berries).
So less grains, more veggies!

Number 2: Eat protein and fat (yes, fat!) at every meal. Gone are the days of toast or cereal for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch. Meat, fish, eggs, seafood, and organic (preferably raw) dairy should provide your protein and fat fuels.

Number 3: Lift weights. Male or female, if you want to shape up and tone your body, you need to lift weights. Barbell Squats, Deadlifts, Chin-ups, Bench Press and Overhead presses should make up the bulk of your training programme. Add in some sprint intervals and Kettlebell Swings, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for success. 3-4 times a week along with a good diet and you’ll soon start to see the results that have eluded you for so long. Just make sure you’re lifting as heavy as you can with good technique.
Heavy + Bad Technique = Injury
Light + Good Technique = Slow Progress
Heavy + Good Technique = Good Progress!

Number 4: Sleep! You should be aiming for not only quantity, but quality. Bed by 11 in a pitch black room (no lights whatsoever – even the LED on your TV or alarm clock should be covered), and phone and Wi-Fi OFF! You’re not going to be making calls or surfing the net while you sleep, so turn them off until the morning – they WILL disrupt your sleep quality.

Number 5: Water. I’ve said it a million times – 1 litre per 50lbs bodyweight every day! Water is what we should be drinking. Ditch the diet drinks, and if you’re serious about this, cut out alcohol too, at least until you’re at your target weight – if you’re drinking more than a couple of glasses of red wine a week and not losing weight, you’ve only got yourself to blame!

And finally,
Number 6: Be consistent. Stick with it. Some people see results in the first week, some people it may take a bit longer; but if you give it time, it will happen. Steady progress is more permanent. Fast results are likely to disappear as fast as they came! And for your own sake, DON’T weigh yourself! Use your clothes as a way to measure your progress, or take some measurements and photos. You’ll be surprised at how much your body can change without your weight changing with it.

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