Wednesday 15 July 2009

Anti-Obesity Pills

With recent news of an "anti-obesity" pill being researched it worries me that people don't even bother trying to lose weight the natural way any more.

There's obviously a market for this stuff or the big pharmaceutical companies wouldn't invest so much money into research for them.

And with an over-the-counter version making about £400million in it's first year in the US it shows that the number of people opting for the LAZY way out is huge!

But how well will these pills actually work? They, by definition, are drugs, that mess around with your body's natural chemistry and could have all kinds of side-effects.

Side-effects from the popular over-the-counter drug include wind and diarrhoea due to the undigested fat passing through the body (because the drug prevents it from being absorbed). The drug can also interfere with the absorption of some vitamins which means your entire body will suffer without extra supplementation of this vital food group.

What is the real cost of these pills? People are putting their health at risk and paying for the privilege!

All to do something that is possible with just a little bit of hard work.

The key to weight loss is simple. Eat a healthy diet and burn more calories than you consume through exercise (NOT by eating less).

A good exercise program, maintained consistently will ensure that you're burning calories, increasing your metabolism, and working your muscles.

So without even going into the whole gastric bypass arguement, my advice to anyone looking to lose weight is this:

* Change your diet to include healthier options, cutting out everything that is obviously full of sugar or saturated fats
* Eat your full quota of fruit and veg every day (Go for 5 portions of each - not combined)
* Exercise EVERY DAY, without fail - the key is consistency (with the diet as well as the exercise side of things)

All this leads to a healthy body as oppose to cheating your way thin and keeping the same old bad habits that got you there in the first place!

You could have liposuction but that doesn't cure cholesterol or blood pressure problems, or improve the health of your arteries; and again, you'll still have the same habits that made you gain weight in the first place, meaning unless you change this it'll just happen all over again!

There really is no better way to do this than good old fashioned exercise and healthy eating.

It really isn't as hard as you might think if you do it right!

Fill in the form opposite and I'll send you a copy of my Weight Loss report which'll tell you what you need to be doing to see fast and permanent weight loss whilst improving your fitness and health.

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