Tuesday 15 June 2010

12 Reasons to try Chlorophyll

1 - Contains Chlorophyllin
Chlorophyllin is a key derivative of Chlorophyll, with research demonstrating that it possesses several potential health benefits.

2 - Is an Antioxidant
Scientists believe that a portion of Chlorophyll's therapeutic capabilities lies in its capacity to neutralise free-radicals and limit oxidative damage.

3 - Acts as an Anti-Cancer Agent
Several animal and in vitro studies have shown that Chlorophyll (or its derivatives such as Chlorophyllin) possess anti-carcinogenic properties - the ability to prevent or slow Cancer. Successful findings have included several types of cancer, including liver, stomach and colon cancers.

4 - Protects Against Toxins
Scientists have repeatedly found that Chlorophyll and its derivatives can protect against toxins and the effects of those toxins, including abnormal cell death and carcigonesis (onset of cancer).

5 - Supports Health of Blood Cells
Researchers believe that Chlorophyll improves the health of blood cells, and that it may increase the uptake of oxygen in the blood. Some experts attribute this to some similarities between Chlorophyll and hemoglobin.

6 - Increases Energy Levels
Partially due to the blood-friendly attributes of Chlorophyll and its ability to detoxify, Chlorophyll may allow the body to optimize its energy production.

7 - Enhances Immune Function
Studies indicate that Chlorophyllin was able to increase the number of and activity of various immune cells, including T cells, B cells, and macrophages. These cells are some of the crucial components of the body's immune defences.

8 - Supports Cardiovascular System
Due to Chlorophyll's antioxidant properties, it may help prevent the oxidation of LDL (the "bad" cholesterol), thereby lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and related conditions.

9 - Minimizes Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Scientists have shown that Chlorophyllin is successful in thwarting the undesired side effects of the chemotherapeutic agent cyclophosphamide.

10 - May Reduce Risk of Kidney Stones
Research suggests that Chlorophyll may help protect against calcium oxalate stone disease (one variety of kidney stones).

11 - Eliminates Odour
Findings from different studies indicate that Chlorophyll may eliminate or reduce odours associated with colostomies and urinary disorders.

12 - It's Alkalising
Many studies now have proven the benefits of alkalising the body, reducing the acidic environment needed for disease and parasites to thrive in. By drinking Chlorophyll, you are helping to neutralise the acid and prevent many health problems relating to the acidic environment.

How can Chlorophyll help prevent disease? First of all, Chlorophyll appears to have an affinity for blood (which may be explained by some similarities between it and hemoglobin cells). Some research suggests that Chlorophyll can increase oxygen uptake in the blood, which can increase energy, relieve fatigue, and improve certain blood disorders.

Chlorophyll also supplies the much-needed micronutrient magnesium, which is lacking in today's common diet, and can contribute to increased energy levels.

It also possesses antioxidant capabilities, which may account for some of its reported benefits.

Finally, Chlorophyll is a vital component of the plant kingdom. Since we know that a diet high in plant-based foods significantly reduces the risk of a wide range of diseases, it can be assumed that the Chlorophyll intake plays a part in that risk reduction.

I rarely drink water without this now!

You can get it by clicking any of the links above (Chlorophyll) or by clicking the TopQualitySupplements link on the right side of this page.


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