Monday 14 June 2010

Every man needs a good WOMAN...

It's true.

Come to think of it, every woman needs a good woman.

What am I talking about?


These are all essential for health, and without any one of these, you're pushing your luck for staying healthy.

Water is the most essential element and we can't go for more than a couple of days without water before our body starts to shut down.

Most people are wlaking around in a constant state of dehydration, and as a result of this, suffer joint pain, back pain, headaches, and limited function of every organ in their body. Inadequate hydration has so many effects on the body I can't even begin to list them.

Suffice to say that it is imperative that you stay properly hydrated for your body to function properly.

A good rule of thumb is to drink 1 litre of water per 50lbs bodyweight.

And no, tea, coffee, alcohol, fizzy drinks, ANYTHING other than water just won't do.

Oxygen is again, essential for life. I feel like I'm insulting your intelligence just by pointing this out! Yet as obvious as this is, people don't breath properly!

Yes, we breath, but we don't breath fully, using our entire lungs and abdomen. Long, deep breaths of clean, fresh air are what we need for health, not the shallow, hunched over breaths we take most of the time.

Take time out every day to take 10 or 15 deep breaths. Take a deep, belly breath in for 5 seconds, hold for 10, and exhale for 10.

This will help to oxygenate your blood, improve lymph drainage (clear the crap out of your body), and expand your ribcage.

Sounds simple, but do this every day and it WILL have an impact.

On top of that, try to pay attention to your breathing. If you find yourself slumped over a computer desk, sit up, and take deep breaths for as long as you can remember to. Then when you find yourself slumped over again, repeat! Do this until your body remember to sit tall and BREATHE!

Minerals - All of the biochemical reactions that take place in your body require minerals, they are also required to maintain proper cell function.

Unfortunately most of the foods that plague our diets these days are severely deficient in vitamins and minerals, meaning we're left devoid of these valuable minerals.

This leaves our bodies chemically imbalanced, and makes it impossible to maintain optimal health.

Simply eating a healthier diet, with more fresh vegetables and fruit will help, but a good mineral supplement such as Colloidal Minerals will also go a long way towards helping.

Alkalinity - This one you may not have heard of, but research shows that disease, fungus, parasites and many other health problems like cancer, heart disease, premature ageing, obesity, allergies, fatigue, can all come from a having an acidic body.

In fact, most diseases (including cancer), and all parasites (which studies suggest up to 85% of people have) NEED an acidic environment to live.

So if you can make your body alkaline, instead of acidic, the health benefits are almost immeasurable!

And this is easily done by following a healthy diet, and using a green drink such a Liquid Chlorophyll, which are alkaline and will help to shift your pH levels back to where we want them. Aside from that, eat plenty of alkalising foods.

You can find out more about alkaline diets here.

Nutrition - Good nutrition is essential to health and wellbeing. It encompasses all of the above and more.

You need to be well hydrated, obtaining all of the essential vitamins and minerals from your diet (even if that means supplementing to fill the gaps), and cutting out ALL foods and drinks that are detrimental to your health.

If you haven't downloaded it yet, enter your name and e-mail in the box on the right of this page, and I'll send you some healthy eating hints and tips that will steer you in the right direction.

If you're interested, I use the following supplements on a regular basis, along with daily exercise and a healthy, balanced diet: -

Liquid Chlorophyll (to clean blood and alkalise body)
Omega Blend (I'm sure you've heard of the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids...)
Super Supplemental Multi-vitamins (to help supplement what's missing from our food)
Colloidal Minerals
Vitamin C (just get the best one you can afford, ideally with Lyceine)
Vitamin D (Same as above, best you can afford - or just get more sun!)

I'm sure now no-one will disagree that everyone needs a good WOMAN. So go get one! :)


1 comment:

  1. Hi sukiaky_007
    If you enter your details in the box on the right hand side of the page I'll send you some fat burning workouts and some dietary advice.

    Mark :)
