Friday 4 August 2023

The most common question I get asked by strangers...

The most common question I get asked by strangers (seriously, this happens at least 2 or 3 times a week!) is this:

"Martial Arts?"

Sounds weird I know, but because I train differently to everyone else in the gym (i.e. not going from machine to machine), people automatically assume I must be training for something specific. 


I am.

I'm training for LIFE.

Better movement and movement-based training is NOT reserved solely for athletes training for a specific sport.


You need to be able to move your body well, with balance and strength, all day every day, for the rest of your life.

And if you're not training for that, then you're only going to get worse at those things as you age.

You don't "get old" because of your time on this planet, you get old because you stop moving like a young person.

Your chronological age doesn't have to dictate your ability to do stuff.

But if you're not doing those things, you will lose the ability to over time.

Use it or lose it.

Training on machines will build strength in those specific exercises - you'll get strong "on that machine", but that doesn't translate to being able to move and function well.

If you train movements, human movements, then you're strengthening the movement patterns that you use in every day life.

Think about it - what use is your 100kg bench press if you can't climb the stairs?

What use is a 200kg Deadlift if you can't kneel on the floor to play with the kids?

How are your tricep push-downs going to help you carry the shopping in one arm and a child (your own child, I hope) in the other?

Stop training "exercises" and start training movements.

That's my aim. I'm not training for martial arts (although many years ago that was my main hobby), I'm training for better movement and resilience.

That's also my aim with my coaching business. I help people improve their health and Move Better

If you want to get started with training like a human, get in touch and we'll get you started.

It's also the primary focus of MoveBetter.Club, so if you're not ready to invest in coaching just yet, I'd definitely recommend you check it out to get started.

To better health and movement!


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