Sunday 30 July 2023

"To know and not do, is not to know"

Here's the thing...

Everyone knows they should do more.

They know what they need to do (supposedly).

YOU know.

...but do you do it?

For most people, the answer is NO.

That's what my job is.

My job is, essentially, to get people to DO what they know they should be doing.

So many people refuse to hire a coach or get help because "they know what to do" or "it's too expensive", but the reality is, they just place higher priority on other things.

They'd rather binge on Netflix than go workout.

They'd rather have the newest iPhone than pay for a coach.

They'd rather follow a free plan that's not working and kid themselves that they're doing the right things (even though it's not working???)

Fancy cars and clothes... going out every weekend... takeaways multiple nights a week... everyone's different, but mostpeople will happily drop £100's every week/month on stuff that's unnecessary (and even damaging their health!), yet they won't spend it on their health.

Then they drive around in the fancy car, wearing the fancy clothes, getting their hair and nails done, lips pumped full of crap or buying other stuff to make them look/feel better, still unhappy with the way they look, because they'll do everything but the most important things - eat well and train.

So the message here is simple:

If you're not getting the results you want, because you're either not doing what you should be, or you're doing the wrong things - you need a coach.

...and I'd love to help you.

If you're ready to:

  • Invest in yourself, not "stuff"

  • Improve your health

  • Lose some excess weight

  • Move better

  • Feel better

  • Put in the effort

And you need help with:

  • Knowing what to do (the right things)

  • Staying on track and accountable

  • Working around a busy schedule

  • Troubleshooting issues as they arise

  • Support along the way

Book in for a quick call with me (no charge), to see how/if I can help you.

Just fill out the form here and I'll be in touch.

I really do want to help! I've spent 20 years learning this stuff and it goes to waste if I don't share it!

So fill out the form and let's chat. Then you can decide if you want my help or not.

Fill it out.


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