Saturday 1 July 2023


You may or may not realise this, but, YOU ARE AN ATHLETE!

The fact is, we ALL need to move well.

Ok, so we don't need to chase down our dinner any more, but we need to move around and function like humans are supposed to.

We may be able to get away with it these days if we lose that ability, but it's not fun.

Just ask anyone who isn't fortunate enough to be able to move properly.

It's sad that we don't realise what we've got until it's gone.

Stop and think about what it would be like if you couldn't complete basic tasks and ask yourself if you ever want to be in that position.

Start training like a human, for better movement and mobility.

Strength you can use, not just numbers on a sheet.

If you don't train - start.

If you do train - make sure it's functional.

We're not machines yet, so until then, train like a human.

Be the athlete you were born to be.

And if you want help figuring out how to do that, get in touch.


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