Thursday 6 July 2023

What are humans supposed to eat?

Diet is a hot topic, and which "Diet" to follow is an ongoing argument.

As a Personal Trainer I've studied nutrition for nearly 20 years. 

I've completed courses and qualifications on nutrition, read multiple books, spoken to other coaches and clients, and basically absorbed as much information as I can on the subject in order to come to my own conclusions based on education and evidence, not just taking someone's word for it (no matter who they are).

And I've got to say it's a mess!

Not all people are the same, not all "Diets" are the same, and there's no one-size fits all "Diet".

What you have to do is look at what all of the most successful "Diets" have in common.

Usually it's:

- Appropriate calorie intake for the desired outcome


- A focus on real food, not fake foods

Really good "Diets" will also look at:

- Hydration (and what you're drinking)

- Sleep

- Lifestyle 


- What training you're doing

However, the most logical approach to nutrition, in my eyes, is to simply look at what humans have been eating for thousands of years, not the last few decades.

And I've got to say, the carnivore diet makes the most sense to me.

Whilst I'm still wrestling with the idea that vegetables may actually be bad for us, which goes against literally every nutrition course I've ever done, it does make sense.

Humans are hunters.

A tribe that was unsuccessful hunting would have died out pretty quickly.

They wouldn't have survived eating just plants.

Whilst animals can run, hide and fight to protect themselves, plants are stuck in the ground. And they don't want to be eaten.

So if they can't run, hide or fight, how would they protect themselves???

With chemicals that stop them from being eaten. Toxins.

And by eating plants, we are taking in those toxins - which explains why many people can't eat certain vegetables - because they're more sensitive to those chemicals.

The rest of us may be able to 'tolerate' them better, but that doesn't mean they're not doing us harm at some level.

The most successful humans were the best hunters.

Those are the tribes that thrived.

This, to me, says it all.

We'd have hunted for our food (animals), and only supplemented that food with plants if there wasn't enough.

Plants were for survival only, not to thrive.

Yes, there's an argument for vitamins and minerals in vegetables, but we also need to consider what the most prized parts of the animals were...

The organs.

Organ meats (liver, kidneys, heart, brain, eyes, testicles etc.) contain ALL of the nutrients we need to survive and thrive.

Our ancestors knew, either intuitively or by trial and error, that the organ meats were the most important parts to eat.

So, while I'm not saying at this point that you should stop eating vegetables, I am an advocate of eating meat, and organ meats (and eggs) for the bulk of your nutrition, and maybe questioning if vegetables are actually as good for us as we've been led to believe.

Obviously the quality of your meat is important (but let's face it - with everything they spray on crops these days, if the plant toxins don't kill you, the cocktail of chemicals they've been sprayed with will certainly do some damage!), so try to get the best that you can afford - organic and grass-fed is good.

(I get most of my meat here - it actually works out cheaper than the supermarket most of the time!)

I've never been a fan of vegetarian or vegan diets, and this is yet another reason why I truly believe that meat is an essential part of the human diet, and you need it to thrive.

Yes, I know there are healthy, fit and strong vegans out there, but that's not the majority, and the ones who make it work (long-term) use everything we know about food science to ensure they're getting it right - not just foregoing meat and living on banana sandwiches! 

Sorry vegans. I'm just not convinced. There are certain nutrients that we just can't get from plants.

Diet is a HUGE topic, so this is only a small part of it.

If you want my help with it, by all means get in touch and we can talk about Coaching.

I just hope after reading this you at least start to question what the best diet for humans might be, and maybe experiment a little.

For further reading I'd highly recommend The Carnivore Code

To your health!

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