Wednesday 18 November 2009

Beat the Winter Bug with Zambroza

It's that time of year again when everyone seems to fall victim to colds and flu and whatever new "superbug" the papers declare is sweeping the nation.

Well as much as I'm sure viruses don't wait until Christmas to strike, people DO tend to get ill this time of year.

More than likely this is because people see December as a month where diet and exercise are impossible. They throw their diets out the window and see that one day of the year as an excuse to waste a whole month.

Yes, there may be more social do's or parties to go to, but that doesn't mean everything has to stop.

This lack of exercise, poor nutrition, and in many cases, excessive alcohol consumption will leave your body weak and susceptible to these bugs and viruses going round.

This, in my opinion, is the number one reason for the number of people who get ill this time of year, regardless of the cold weather.

Not to mention the amount of people who put on weight over the holidays.

So the message here is not to use that one day of the year as an excuse to waste all of your weight loss and fitness efforts. Yes, you can go to your work's Christmas party and have fun. Yes, you can go out for social drinks with friends...

But don't overdo it just because "it's Christmas". Keep your healthy eating plan going, keep up the exercise, increase your water intake to stay hydrated (especially if you're drinking alcohol).

And use your common sense! You know what's good and what's bad - more of the good, less of the bad!

Don't let Christmas put everything you've been working for on pause.

As for the colds...

Even the healthiest people fall victim to these sometimes when they're in contact with the germs so much, so it's not always avoidable.

Nobody likes that feeling when you wake up one morning and feel that little tickle in the back of your throat - you know you're going to get ill!

So what do you do? You wrap up warm, buy some vitamin C tablets, eat more fruit and stock up on Lemsip cos you know there's no stopping it!

Well I used to do exactly the same until I started promoting natural supplements. Then I came across an amazing little drink called Zambroza.

It's the most powerful anti-oxidant drink around and, although quite expensive, it works!

At £20 a bottle it's probably not something you'll take as the label suggests (15ml twice a day - meaning you'll get through the bottle in about 2 weeks), although the benefits of doing so would be great.

So how should you take it?

Buy yourself a bottle and have it ready. This is the key. If you wait until you're ill to order it, it'll be too late.

Buy a bottle and keep it handy, then, when you feel that tickle, crack open the Zambroza and take a shot (about 30ml) in the morning, at lunchtime, and in the evening. The bottle'll go in about 4 days like this, but I've never had a cold since I've been doing this (nearly 2 years).

£20 in 4 days might seem a lot, but how much is just one day off work going to cost you? And what price would you put on not feeling lousy for a week?! (plus the money you'll save on Lemsip, Lockets, and anything else you buy when your ill!)

I'm not going to guarantee that this'll work for everyone, but it's worked for me without fail for the last 2 years or so.

You can get your Zambroza with 15% discount here

I personally always keep a bottle handy. As soon as I open it, I order a replacement so I don't get caught out.

Give this a try, and if it works for you please leave a comment below to let people know.

(and if you already have a cold, you can still take Zambroza to help speed up your recovery)

Hope this helps a lot of people,


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