Friday 23 June 2023

Age is just a number!

So, it's about 5 months (or 23 weeks) until I turn 40!

Not something I'm particularly bothered about but a lot of people seem to have started reminding me of this fact.

Granted, if something happens to me, people will no longer say "but he was so young!"

But age is just a number, and it's not a number I focus on. In fact, up until this year, I'd have had to stop and think for a minute if people asked me how old I am.

I'm pretty sure I was 28 for about 6 years! It's just not something I really pay any attention to.

What numbers DO I pay attention to?

Here are a few that I track regularly:

Resting Heart Rate - as it's a useful indicator of general fitness

Heart Rate Variability - because it shows me where I stand on a day to day basis - can I train hard to day? Or should I take it easy and focus on recovery?

Body Fat Percentage - whilst all we really care about is how we look, BF% is an easy way to measure that and track it.

Here are a couple I track occasionally:

Weight - really aren't too bothered about this. If BF% is where it should be, weight isn't a concern

Blood Pressure - like RHR it's just an indication for general health and worth keeping an eye on occasionally (especially if you're not in the best shape)

PLUS, I test my fitness every few months to see where I'm at performance-wise - and THESE are the ones I'm concerned about.

Things like Heart Rate Recovery, Strength, Power, Endurance.

I also like to learn new skills to keep my brain alive, and because why not?!

I hate saying "I used to be able to do _______" 

It pisses me off.

If I used to be able to do it, I should still be able to do it. It doesn't matter how "old" I am.

And I should also be able to do things I never used to be able to do, because that's progress.

I cover testing for all of these in MoveBetter.Club so if you're interested in finding out how you stack up, and how to improve on your numbers, definitely check it out and sign up.

So my mission over the next 23 weeks is this:

Maintain my body fat at 10-12%

Gain a few lbs of lean tissue (muscle)

Reduce my RHR by 5 beats per minute

Increase my average HRV score by 5-10 points

Increase my 12-minute run by 400m

Eat more liver

Eat less chocolate

Move BETTER than I do now

Note my aim is NOT "lose weight" or "do a photo shoot"

I have specific goals that actually MEAN something.

Losing weight and getting in shape are great, but they don't necessarily equate to better movement, better performance or better health. And you can't look that great if you don't move well. Photos lie.

If you want to get 100% clear on what you want to achieve and why (specifically, not just "I want to lose weight"), and HOW you can do that, get in touch.

Check out all the ways I can help you here

Or if you're happy to do the work by yourself and will keep yourself motivated and accountable but just want to know what to do, then again, MoveBetter.Club is your solution.

To your health!


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